We piled into the van and drove back home where we made it just as the sun was going down.ĭemikian contoh cerita liburan ke gunung dalam bahasa Inggris yang seru, asyik, dan menyenangkan. After heading down, we had breakfast, relaxed a little, cleaned up, and load onto the speedboat again.

The next morning we woke up early for the sunrise and hiked a little ways to a great viewpoint. Once the sun had set and we made it back to camp. Perkenalkan blog ini berisi rangkuman materi pelajaran bahasa Sunda untuk keperluan pembelajaran daring di Sekolah kita. Siswa-siswi yang Bapak banggakan, terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke halaman blog ini. Then, we set up camp for us at the base of the active volcano and after a little relaxation we started to hike towards the sunset. SAJAK SUNDA & ARTINYA: AJENGAN CIGALUMPIT APIP MUSTOPA. The explosion was about 13.000 times more powerful than Hiroshima. The eruption of Krakatau on Augwas the loudest sound ever recorded, heard all the way in Australia. We snorkeled at a neighboring island and had lunch on the beach before boating a short distance to Krakatau. After that we loaded onto a speedboat with all our gear and enjoyed 2 hours ride to the island. We drove 2 hours to the coast to have breakfast. Friday morning I was picked up at home by my friend, Nurul.